05 Desember 2017 A35-003 takes off from Fort Worth. (photo : AustralianAviationCarl Richards) The Royal Australian Air Force’s third F-35A Lightning II, A35-003, has completed its first flight. Photographer Carl Richards captured these images of A35-003 taking off on its first flight, from Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, on December 1. The aircraft is due to be delivered to Luke Air Force Base, Arizona in early 2018 to be used for pilot and maintainer training, before being permanently relocated to Australia in 2020. A35-003, known to its manufacturer Lockheed Martin as AU-3, had its RAAF markings, including its 3 Squadron tail flashes, applied in early November, the final phase of the aircraft’s production process. 3 Squadron is due to become the first RAAF F-35 operational unit. ( AustralianAviation )
01 Desember 2017 AS-350BA Squirrel helicopter (photo : RAN) Fleet Air Arm farewells magnificent machines The S-70B-2 Bravo Seahawk and AS350BA Squirrel helicopters were formally retired from active service in the Royal Australian Navy at a ceremony today at HMAS Albatross. The Seahawk has been in the Fleet Air Arm inventory for 29 years and was operationally deployed in the Middle East throughout its entire service history. The Squirrel has served for 33 years amassing an enviable record in both operations and training. Commander Fleet Air Arm, Commodore Chris Smallhorn said both aircraft had a proud record of service to the nation. “Today we farewelled two magnificent aircraft with pride in our heart and tears in our eyes,” he said. “The AS350BA Squirrel has proven to be one of the most successful airframes in naval aviation history. “During the 1990-91 Gulf War the Squirrel carried out shipping surveillance, mine searches and top cover for helicopter boarding operations. “It was also...